Monday, March 26, 2012

Two years since the last post-- Really?

Richard Rohr again my muse: "The very essence of any experience of trial is that you want to get out of it. A lack of purpose, of meaning—is the precise suffering of suffering! When you find a pattern in your suffering, a direction, you can accept it and go with it. The great suffering, the suffering of Jesus, is when that pattern is not immediately given. The soul can live without success, but it cannot live without meaning."
My thought here takes me to my own experience which I cannot seem to either embrace or change, that which seems so purposeless in my life continues... I often sense that I can grasp again for the meaning within, but that meaning is elusive. Might I seek the pattern within, a direction, so that not only can I accept and go with it, I will be able to let it go.